
Commitment to Teaching

SRS Prajna Vidya School , Hassan has outstanding faculty members who support liberal learning approaches that will help to develop critical thinking, imagination, independence of mind, and the ability to lead. They will share and foster the values that SRS Prajna Vidya School , Hassan adopted the latest and most appropriate methods of teaching and learning.

Faculty consists of well qualified, trained and experienced teachers who have the right attitude and value system.

Our teachers are classroom managers who formulate and schedule the action plan in the curricular and co-curricular areas, in addition to having content mastery. They articulate concepts in a manner comprehensible to the students, plan learning activities and communicate learning objectives. Teachers are always available to guide and counsel even after school hours.

Leadership Programme for Teachers

The SRS Prajna Vidya School , Hassan Institution takes pride in its systematic and exhaustive Teacher Training Programme that is offered to every new teacher entering the portals of this institution. We firmly believe that our growth has been made possible solely due to the continuous in house training progamme offered to teachers and their commitment towards the institution makes all the difference.

We, therefore endeavour to empower our educators , help them become more efficient, passionate professionals and life long learners.

In these training programmes, we educators easily connect with other experienced teachers from our sister concerns and meet to understand and train for professional development and reform. We collectively empower each other to become better while learning side by side. It helps us elicit feedback on our ideas/initiatives, allows us to showcase everything that is good, while also gaining inspiration to change.

Academic Excellence & Holistic Development