
Co-scholastic & Extra Curricular Activities

At SRS Prajna Vidya School, Hassan, academic excellence and co-curricular activities always go hand-in-hand. Keeping in view the personality development of every individual student, a plethora of events is organized throughout the year.

Co-scholastic activities are an integral part of the curriculum, therefore, the school offers a wide range of activities to develop the varied interests and talents for the holistic development of the young learners. These activities assist in building analytical skills, critical thinking, creativity, social skills and communication expertise. The events are designed in such a manner that the students can efficiently balance academics along with the co-curricular activities, which subsequently helps them to enhance their learning abilities.

These events are a conglomeration of numerous competitions in various spheres such as art, humanities, science, sports, entrepreneurship and many more.

Events at SRS Prajna Vidya School, Hassan, are ideally planned and managed by the students. The objective of every event held at school, is to ensure that leadership qualities, camaraderie and competitive spirit are imbibed in their minds.

Students are encouraged to explore and choose from a variety of activities from the areas of music, drama, art and sports that include outdoor games like football, basketball, cricket, handball, throw ball, volleyball, short put, long jump, athletics, swimming, and many more. Indoor activities like chess, carrom, table tennis are also encouraged along with yoga and aerobics. These sporting events not only help in maintaining physical fitness, but also nurture sportsmanship.

Experiencing success or being recognized for a contribution to a co-curricular activity definitely improves the students’ self esteem and creates a positive impact on their academic performance. Through the wide range of events and experiences that SRS Prajna Vidya School, Hassan offers, the students learn how to thrive in various challenging situations.

  • Art & Craft

    Students are always willing to visit the Art Centre at SRS Prajna Vidya School, Hassan. The Art Room's structured and positive environment encourages creativity and children find success in the art-based activities.

  • Sports

    Sport facilities, of every sort is what SRS aims at. Catering to various sporting interests of the students, the school offers an outdoor basketball court for lovers of this game.

  • Contemporary Dance

    Dance is part of the curriculum of grades 1 to 5 SRS Prajna Vidya School . Contemporary dance is definitely one of the options in greater demand among ECAs. Rhythm, grace and expressions are honed in these classes.

  • Start, Camera & Action

    "All the world's a stage", said the Bard. The 'Theatre Workshop' at SRS Prajna Vidya School caters to the theatrical skills of the students. Theatre workshop is a part of the school curriculum from Grades 1 to 8.

  • Life Skills and Adolescence Education Programme

    During adolescence, children seek their own identity. Being in touch with Life skills, which is a part of this programme, equips them with skills for life! Topics like Time Management and Goal Setting.

  • Story writing

    Class 5 students are introduced to story writing in a systematic and structured way. This programme called Spin a Tale enhances the creative writing skill through this activity.

  • Music

    As part of the school curriculum, Music is also given prime importance. Musical equipment is made available to the students.  Instruments like the guitar, drums, keyboard and others are accessible for the students.

  • Process Writing

    Writing is an art but is losing its charm in the world of internet. Rekindling the passion to write is an exercise followed with great enthusiasm and carried in SRSPVS.

  • Reading Programme

    Visuals are appealing, but it is our aim to make children grab books to read in their free time. This is what our Reading Programme aims to achieve.

  • Yoga

    As we all know, yoga is a combination of various physical postures, breathing techniques, meditation and relaxation.

  • Olympiads

    Olympiads and other competitive examinations at school level facilitate to connect with the world beyond the school and makes the learning environment very dynamic.