Academic Year 2023-2024


Holi Fest - 25.03.2024

Holi is the festival of colours and is famous among people of India for the interesting rituals which includes playing and throwing splash of colours over each other, Holi marks the arrival of spring after winter. Yesterday Holi Fest -2024 was celebrated at SRSPVS for preschool toddlers with great zeal and enthusiasm.

Kids felt the exuberance of warmth and the joy of vibrant colours applied on them. There was laughter, joy and have fun in the air. Kids would remember the day with a difference - spent cheerfully and left the school with joyous colourful memories.

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Health and Hygine - 22.03.2023

The health of children is crucial for the country's future progress, and health and hygiene are integral to the curriculum. Schools should create an environment that supports physical health, emotional well-being, and academic success. Children are more susceptible to illness due to several reasons. SRSPVS organized Health and Hygiene Day for pre-school toddlers, emphasizing the importance of maintaining good health, hygiene, following routines like brushing teeth, taking bath everyday, maintaining healthy eating habits and other healthy tips.

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Water Play - 07.03.2024

“When kids play in water it inspires imagination promotes happiness this ensures learning is easier in our watery world”.

Kids water play provides the opportunity to develop fine and gross motor skills across all age ranges. Actions like pouring, scrubbing, squirting, stirring and squeezing are all important movements that lead to increased fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. To explore this, SRSPVS organised Water Play Activity for the preschool toddlers recently. All our tiny tots involved and had fun.

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Hand Writing Day - 21.02.2024

“Hand writing is the mirror of Knowledge”. SRSPVS organized a "Handwriting Competition" for preschool toddlers, highlighting the importance of handwriting in education and everyday life. Writing engages the brain and motor skills differently than typing on a keyboard.

The students were excited to showcase their beautiful handwriting, resulting in a pin drop silence as they put their best foot forward. The competition was dedicated and committed to promoting handwriting skills.

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Morality Day- 19.02.2024

“We are all born as empty vessels which can be shaped by moral values”.

Morality is a system or set of ideas about right vs. wrong and good vs. evil behavior; it is subjective rather than objective, and is part of the philosophical study of ethics. SRSPVS organized “Morality Day” for the preschool toddlers today to encourage the kids to initiate ethical and moral values in their lives. Virtuous stories were rehearsed for the kids which was followed by kids acting on the stories wearing masks. This is a valuable skill that will help them in all aspects of their life. The kids relished the day and made it memorable.

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Sand Castle Activity - 17.02.2024

“In Play: Children gain an appreciation of the natural environment”.

Playing in the sand is fabulous for developing motor skills, building hand-eye coordination, and strengthening muscles. Sand play provides an enjoyable and safe outdoor activity for children, encouraging them to explore and connect with nature. SRSPVS organised Sand Play Activity for the preschool toddlers recently. Kids engaged in activities like digging, making heaps of sand, forming the caves of sand etc in the sandpit. Children used their hands and tools to manipulate and shape sand with creativity and imaginary skills. They learned valuable social skills, such as sharing, and cooperating with others. All our tiny tots were actively involved and showcased their talent.

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Field trip to Ostrich and Cow Farm - 14.02.2024

Activity based learning is important to bridge the gap between education and hands- on experience, so moving beyond classroom learning, SRSPVS had organized an educational field trip to the ancient elegance- Doddagaddavalli.

The students were made aware of the significance and the historical importance of the iconic monuments. Later, students visited the Ostrich and Cow Farms which provided children with a unique and invaluable learning experience that fosters a sense of responsibility, empathy and connection to the natural world. The educational trip provided an enriching and knowledgeable experience to students.

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Kite Day - 09.02.2024

As there is a saying, “Sky is not the limit for our dreams and ambitions”. Likewise flying a kite symbolizes new hopes and aspirations which makes a path to achieve our dreams and ambitions. To explore this, SRSPVS organised Kite Day Festivity for the preschool toddlers today. All our tiny toddlers involved actively and showcased their talent.

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Desi Games - 07.02.2024

SRSPVS organized Desi games for the preschool tiny tots yesterdy as they are the integral part of India’s rich culture and heritage. Our tiny toddlers had a good memorable time by playing various desi games like Chowka Bara, Gutte, Lagori, Kabaddi, Hide and Seek, Marble, Gilli Danda, Snake and Ladder, Swing(Jokali) Ali Guli Mane etc...

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“ART & CRAFT” - 02.02.2023

“Children are a treasure of hidden talents & new ideas.” This saying was proved rightly by an Art & Craft Exhibition- 2023

The students of preschool created amazing showpieces, displaying their creativity and aesthetic talents. Their mind blowing crafts made of various natural materials were exhibited in the school premises. Our budding artists left all the viewers dumbfound & full of praise for the talent on display. But the success of the event wouldn’t have been possible without the crucial role played by the parents of all the students. We thank all the parents of preschool for their strong support & contribution to the event.

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Maze Activity - 01.02.2024

The sheet maze games challenge a child to grasp a pencil and make their way from one place to another while having fun. Our young, energetic toddlers were given some fascinating MAZE GAME sheets. These games are beneficial, encouraging them to overcome obstacles, complete tasks, and gain self-confidence. Our Pre-school tiny tots remained engaged in this delightful game.

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Field Trip to Market & Railway Station - 31.01.2024

Field trips providing authentic, hands –on experiential learning opportunities where students can connect what they are learning in the classroom in a real world context.

A field visit was organised for pre-school students to the market. Children were made to identify the types of items found in the market.The second side of field trip was to the Railway Station, Hassan. The purpose of the visit was to acquaint the students with the transport facility used by most of the people in our country. It helped our kids to get hands-on experience to observe how people travel. Kids entered a train compartment and got to know the seating arrangement. On the whole it was a fun filled, meaningful & memorable learning experience for each child.

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Martyrs Day - 30.01.2024

"The blood of the Martyrs is the seed of the Nation." Martyrs’ Day was observed at SRSPVS to solute the brave martyrs who sacrificed their lives defending the nation’s sovereignty. The programme commenced with the national fervour followed by floral tribute to the portrait of Mahatma Gandhiji. The event was made headway with a melodious rendition of the Bhajan ‘Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram’. The students were also enlightened about the significance of the day through speeches. Later, students and faculty of the school observed two-minute silence, and took a pledge to follow the path of truth and non-violence. Teachers urged the students to become good citizens and imbibe Gandhian values in their lives.

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Rainbow Day - 20.01.2024

A Rainbow is an arc of colors and when we see it surely brings an arc (smile) to everyone’s face. To bring this smile to the faces of the little ones of Preschool, the Rainbow day was celebrated yesterday. The students came dressed in the alluring shades of rainbow colours and looked vibrant and bright. It was an excellent learning experience for the children which enhanced their skill of color identification. It was indeed a memorable and a colourful day that furnished with learning.

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Deepavali - 11.11.2023

It has always been an Endeavour of SRSPVS to instill cultural values and traditions among students. The Deepavali celebrations at SRSPVS was a wonderful amalgamation of devotion, creativity.

Deepavali is a festival that celebrates the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance, eradicating negativity and doubts. It promotes illuminating our cores with clarity and positivity, and involves worshipping Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesh, exchanging gifts, and performing charity for prosperity.

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Puppet Show - 08.11.2023

The Puppet Show was aimed to engage the pre-primary kids of SRSPVS in a unique and interactive way, fostering their imagination and creativity. It provided them with an opportunity to actively participate in story-narrating with communication skills through the use of puppets. Additionally, the elements of surprise added an extra layer of excitement and anticipation to their play and learn activities.

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Drawing Day - 31.10.2023

Drawing "acts as a powerful way for caregivers to understand how a child is feeling”. Drawing helps the children to develop fine motor skills as they learn to control their finger grip and movement to the ideas they are expressing. To explore this, SRSPVS organised Drawing day for the preschool toddlers today. All our tiny toddlers involved actively and showcased their talent.

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Fruit Day - 23.09.2023

"Every time you eat a fruit, it's an opportunity to nourish your body and health."

With an objective to educate children about the importance of consumption of fruits in a regular diet, the twinkling stars of SRSPVS preschool celebrated Fruits Day. The occasion was used to teach kids about the health benefits of fruits- one of Mother Nature’s most amazing foods. Kids were found to be quite relished and were positive about the fact that fruits are rich source of nutrients and they are better than junk food. Eat Healthy! Be Happy!

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Vegetables Day - 17.07.2023

SRSPVS organised Vegetables Day recently for preschool toddlers at School. This is the initiation taken to teach the children about names of vegetables, their identification and the value of them in maintaining good health on day to day life. All the kids actively participated and made the day meaningful.

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Dental Care Day - 12.07.2023

Dental Care day was organised for pre school kids at school campus yesterday. Dr. Vaibhav and team from V-Care Super Speciality Hospital, K R Puram, Hassan have checked the teeth of all our Pre-School kids and suggested remedies for kids who have dental issues.

Dentists presented PPT pertaining to oral hygiene, ways of brushing teeth and tips to maintain good and healthy teeth. This was the initiation taken to create awareness about teeth and oral hygiene among kids.

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Mango Farm Field Trip - 07.07.2023

SRSPVS organized field trip to Mango farm near Alur recently for our Preschool toddlers. It was a nature concerned field visit to make the kids to have hands-on experience with nature. A well-known coffee planter and nature enthusiast Mr. Hemmige Mohan interacted with kids and explained about how man having symbiotic association with nature. He demonstrated how to harvest the mangoes by fruit picker tools. Kids actively participated and made the field visit meaningful and memorable.

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Math Activity - 06.07.2023

SRSPVS organised Math Activity for preschool toddlers. Math is part of children's everyday lives. Math helps kids to develop their mathematical thinking. The skills that children can learn and enhance through math activities have knock-on benefits in other areas of learning.

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Doctors Day - 01.07.2023

On account of “Doctors’ Day” today our pre-school toddlers visited to different hospitals and wished the renowned doctors for their invaluable service to the society in providing good health. Our school kids interacted with doctors to get more information about health & hygiene. Doctors motivated our kids with their informative & encouraging words. Over all the day was meaningful and memorable.

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Community Lunch Day - 23.06.2023

Community lunch day was organized for Pre-school toddlers at the school campus today. This was the initiation taken to teach the children about the joy of having food with their classmates and also to develop the habit of sharing and caring. Happy to inform you that, our objective of conducting this event was a grand success.

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Kannada Activity - 09.06.2023

SRSPVS conducted Kannada activity for preschool toddlers recently. This is an initiation taken to familiarise children with the Kannada alphabet , language and rhymes.

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